
DECEMBER LEARNING MONTH – Are you Peak Season Ready?

Come Boxing Day, come the adverts, come the offers. Are you Peak season ready?

Plan to succeed, don’t fail to plan. Starting the New Year off on the right foot professionally is key if you are to entice clients away from the myriad internet offerings.


Your Head Office will have their campaigns planned, their commercials agreed, but you know what? They mean very little without frontline staff.
December is Learning month at Travel Uni for good reason. Footfall and calls are traditionally at their lowest. Now is the time to plan and to learn (& maybe win a prize or two along the way)

Our practical tips:

Focus – Forget trying to be all things to all people. Agree with your colleagues and update your specialities. Know your subjects thoroughly. Are you the cruise person? The Mature market person? The Caribbean Specialist? The Thailand Expert?

Knowledge – It is free via Travel Uni and available online from all good travel providers. Being familiar with the products you sell means everything when talking to customers, they want your confidence and expertise. The internet is awash with Fake News, Fake reviews. Know your stuff and clients will trust you.

Promotions – Study the offers. Understand what is out there. Your Travel Partners are just as keen to make the sale. Sort the meaningful from the worthless.

Organise – Are you Peak Season ready? Your focus is sales, not admin. Agree with your team who does what and when. Make simple lists of how you can add value to a booking, maybe set up template communications.

Listen – What are the trends? Have a look at the recent ABTA reports. Have you prepared your answers to the Brexit question?

So what are you waiting for?

December is time for you to be an Expert. Sign up or login now

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